Maloniai kviečiame į viešą paskaitą ,,DIH - a Gateway to the Digital AgriFood Sector Future. Or is the Future Now?" | VDU Žemės ūkio akademija

Maloniai kviečiame į viešą paskaitą ,,DIH – a Gateway to the Digital AgriFood Sector Future. Or is the Future Now?”

Maloniai kviečiame į viešą paskaitą ,,DIH –  a Gateway to the Digital AgriFood Sector Future.
Or is the Future Now?”, kurią ves Kristina Šermukšnytė-Alešiūnienė.
Paskaita anglų kalba nuotoliniu būdu vyks gegužės 28 dieną, 10:00.
Registracija būtina ir galima iki gegužės 27 dienos 18:00.
Užsiregistravę dalyviai gaus  informaciją dėl prisijungimo prie paskaitos.


Paskaitą inicijavo  Vytauto Didžiojo universiteto Žemės ūkio akademijos Bioekonomikos plėtros fakultetas.
Dėl detalesnės informacijos apie  paskaitą kreiptis adresu

Kristina Sermuksnyte-Alesiuniene is a DIH Coordinator at AgriFood Lithuania DIH. She has more than 10 years experience working as Senior Product Development and Innovation Manager with innovations, information technology and services, ICT products in AgriFood sector. For the past two years she has been A Chairman of Agribusiness Commission at Lithuanian Business Confederation, cooperating closely with governmental institutions. Last December in the workshop, organized by European Commission on AgriFood digitalization, she was invited to represent AgriFood Lithuania DIH, as it was selected among the top 5 most actively working DIH’s in EU.

AgriFood Lithuania is a Digital Innovation Hub that brings together major research, business and public stakeholders in Lithuania for the common pursuit of digital transformations in the agriculture, food and associated sectors.

The mission of AgriFood Lithuania DIH is to contribute towards achieving the vision outlined in the EU Declaration  of ‘A smart and sustainable digital future for European agriculture and rural areas’ and strengthen the national and European technological infrastructure.

The DIH links stakeholders with international and cross-sector initiatives to provide all-round support in the research, development and deployment of AgriFood Tech innovations.