Užsienio profesorių paskaitos studentams “Legal and economic issues of international business law in contemporary society” | VDU Žemės ūkio akademija

Užsienio profesorių paskaitos studentams “Legal and economic issues of international business law in contemporary society”

2022 m. lapkričio 17 d. (ketvirtadienį) nuo 16.00 val. vyks užsienio profesorių paskaitos tema “Legal and economic issues of international business law in contemporary society”.

Paskaitas skaitys:

  1. Dr.Osman Devrim Elvan, Legal Basis of Tourism Activities Permits in the State Forest of Türkiye, Istanbul Univertsity-Cerrahpaşa (Türkiye).
  2. Khalid EL Housni, Tourism and Sustainable Development: economical and legal issues. An Adaptation and Reconciliation Exercise, Cadi Ayyad University, Marrakech, Morocco.
  3. Assoc. prof. Dr. Özgür Oguz, Types of labour contracts in Turkish labour law, Anadolu University,
  4. Dr. Larbi Saffa, From passion to co- creation: when learning tourists meet enterprising artists in creative tourism, Cadi Ayyad University, Marrakech, Morocco.
  5. Ong Tze Chin, Competition Dynamic of E-commerce, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  6. Dr. Faysal Lemjidi, archeotourism in South Morocco, towards sustainable archaeological sites: economical and legal issues, Cadi Ayyad University, Marrakech, Morocco.
  7. Dr. Antonio Silva Sánchez, the historical and legal evolution of guardianship and custody of children in the Spanish legal system, University of Extremadura, Spain.